My Road to BC BIG: Using BI to Meet the Challenges of Diverse Societies

As a doctoral candidate in political science at the University of British Columbia, Isabel Chew wanted to know: How does ethnic identity shape political attitudes and behaviour in Southeast Asia? The search for answers to questions like this as well as a belief behavioural insights could play a part led her to take on her new role at the BC Behavioural Insights Group.

The Many Faces of Behavioural Insights: Using BI in Multiple Roles

Alexis Gordon has held behavioural insights positions both inside and outside of BI units as well as incorporated behavioural insights into roles that aren’t BI-focused. In this interview, we learn more about the differences and similarities of each of these experiences, all in Alexis’s articulate, clear-eyed, and humorous words.  

BC BIG In Their Element

We are a growing team of individuals with a shared passion for making a measurable difference for the citizens we serve. With some new faces on the team, we thought we would take the opportunity to share a snapshot of who we are! We recently asked the team to answer a few unconventional questions so that you could get to know the team beyond their title.

BC BIG Case Study: Improving Information Collection in the Seafood Industry

In November, BC Behavioural Insights Group (BC BIG) released The First Four Years, a report of the first years of our work. We included case studies of some of the projects we’ve done around the province, including designing better maps to protect mountain caribou, helping British Columbians unemployed due to the pandemic return to work, and improving the management of groundwater in the province. Over a series of blog posts, we will shine a spotlight on individual projects and invite your questions.

Introducing Mikayla Ford as BC BIG's New Lead

I’m officially three weeks into my new role as Lead for the BC Behavioural Insights Group and I couldn’t be more excited to be working alongside this fantastic team in this new capacity. While I may be new to the role, I have been watching this team grow since its initiation in 2016, spending the last (almost) three years working as part of it.