BC BIG In Their Element

BC Behavioural Insights Group logo - multi-coloured brain to the left and BC Behavioural Insights Group in all capitals to the right

The BC Behavioural Insights Group (BC BIG) is an eight-person consultancy unit within the BC Public Service. Our mission is to serve our client ministries by using behavioural insights knowledge and tools to improve government programs and services.  

We are a team with a shared passion for making a measurable difference for the citizens we serve. With some new faces around, we thought we would take the opportunity to share a snapshot of who we are! We recently asked the team to answer a few unconventional questions so that you could get to know the team beyond their titles.

ANNA BURROWES, Methods Specialist

What is your go-to meal or snack?
Whatever snack my 6’4 partner is hiding from me (5’3) on our tallest shelves (he understands the power of friction but underestimates my motivation for good snacks).

What is inspiring you these days?   
Applying behavioural insights to advance sustainability and ecological restoration

What is your path to BI? How’d you come to work with BC BIG?  
Psychology > project management/research/evaluation > public policy > BC BIG

TAKuro ISHIKAWA, Senior Behavioural Scientist

What is your superpower?
Apparently, fluctuating between sedentarism and physical activity, through an endless cycle of injury and recovery

Chosen background of a TV intro montage:
An emergency department

What is your path to BI? How’d you come to work with BC BIG?
Psychology > research on irrationality > management consulting > market research > pension fund marketing > negotiation and conflict resolution > policy research > experimental medicine > BC BIG

LINDSAY MILES-PICKUP, Acting Project Manager

What is your superpower?
The ability to make enemies of large birds

What is your irrational fear?
Capraphobia, or fear of goats! Never trust an animal that can (and will) chew through a tin can!

What are your educational interests?
Development economics, social psychology, community economic development, and communications

What is your path to BI? How’d you come to work with BC BIG?
Development economics > international development > program evaluation > food security > front line service work > government policy and programs > BC BIG

STINA GRANT, Methods Specialist

What is your go-to meal or snack?
Chips, preferably after a long run

What is your favourite game?
Current favourites are Crokinole and Bandu

What are your educational interests?
My background is in health psychology and physical activity promotion, but I love to learn about anything and everything. Currently, I’m fascinated by organizational psychology.

What is your path to BI? How’d you come to work with BC BIG?
Research > government policy > BC BIG’s BI boot camp > knowledge mobilization > BC BIG

CARL JENSEN, Acting Lead

What is your superpower?
The ability to find a silver lining in any situation

Chosen background of a TV intro montage:
Patio of a craft brewery

If you were a wrestler, what would your entrance theme song be?
“Enter Sandman” by Metallica

What is your path to BI? How’d you come to work with BC BIG?
Sociology > consulting > business administration > Ministry of Small Business and Revenue > Ministry of Finance > RoadSafetyBC > BC BIG

ALEXIS GORDON, Methods Specialist

How many cups of coffee, tea, beverage-of-choice do you have each morning?
I have at least five cups of tea per day...or as I like to call it, "RCTea” 😉

What is inspiring you these days?
I am learning more about Stoic philosophy and its practical application to life events, big and small.

What is your path to BI? How’d you come to work with BC BIG?
General interest in behaviour > anthropology > BC BIG’s RIDE With Us initiative > partnered with BC BIG > UBC Advanced Professional Certificate Program > new BI Specialist role > BC BIG

FRITHA MUNDAY, SENior Behavioural scientist

What is your superpower?
Parallel parking

What is the best book you’ve read lately?
Bravey: Chasing Dreams, Befriending Pain, and Other Big Ideas by Alexi Pappas

What are your educational interests?
Public health, knowledge translation, and implementation science

What is your path to BI? How’d you come to work with BC BIG?
Clinical research > product development > clinical practice guidelines > public health > health policy > BC BIG

Stephanie wilkie, knowledge translation strategist

What is your superpower?
Asking questions, sense of rhythm

Where is your ‘happy place’?
Ōkōchi Sansō – ethereal Japanese gardens, my grandparents’ house.

What is inspiring you these days?
Philosophy, design, humane tech, slow living

What is your path to BI? How’d you come to work with BC BIG?
Philosophy > airline industry > communications > BC BIG

This interdisciplinary group is always open to chatting about behavioural science – or anything else for that matter. Please feel free to reach out via email (FIRST.LAST at gov.bc.ca) or LinkedIn.