Welcome to the new BIG Difference BC Blog!

BIG Difference BC is co-led by the BC Behavioural Insights Group (BC BIG) and UBC’s Decision Insights for Business and Society (UBC-DIBS) with the support of a cross-sectoral advisory board (introductions coming soon!).  

BIG Difference BC is many things:  

  • Network: It is a network that brings together Behavioural Insights (BI) enthusiasts and experts from government, academia, and across the public, non-profit, and private sectors in British Columbia and beyond.  

  • Newsletter: It is a monthly newsletter that shares events, opportunities, recommended readings, and other highlights from across our network. 

  • Conference: It is an annual conference that celebrates using the behavioural and decision sciences for positive social impact by sharing case studies, research results, best practices, and lessons learned from across a wide range of topics and sectors in BC and beyond. 

  • Blog: And now it is a blog that shares case studies, ideas, and opportunities that we think will speak to the BIG Difference BC network (including older posts you may have seen in the past on BC BIG’s blog on Medium).  

  • And more to come as we continue to work together to grow and evolve our BI community! 

For our introductory post, we want to highlight our biggest event: the annual BIG Difference BC conference, which is approaching quickly. We want to make sure everyone has a chance to register for this FREE, online event on Friday, November 5, 9:00am-3:30pm PT. 

This year there will be a keynote address by Michael Hallsworth, Managing Director of BIT Americas and co-author of the recent book Behavioral Insights. Michael will share "A manifesto for the future of applied behavioral science", which sets out ten proposals to help get the field towards bigger goals, ranging from how it deals with complexity to how it can be embedded more successfully into organizations.  

There will also be a special session looking at applying BI in the workplace to improve the employee experience, to increase employee trust and empowerment, and to explore the future of work.  

And a strong, diverse set of lightning talks and digital posters covering the application of BI to equity and diversity, physical and mental health, sustainability, finance, poverty reduction, education, and more. 

Join us!  

November 5, 2021 

9:00 am to 3:30 pm PST 

Register for free now: https://bit.ly/BIGdiffBC 

Check out the program: https://bigdifferencebc.ca/program-2021